5 Ways To Be An Awesome Elite Partner!

This is in no way a substitute for legal counsel. You may still get in trouble if you do not do your due diligence. These are general guidelines only to help communicate ethical affiliate practices.

1. Using Testimonials + Disclaimers

EXPLANATION: Any testimonials must have a disclaimer warning that the success they're hearing about doesn't guarantee their own success. You also must have express permission from the person giving the testimonial, and it is against our TOS to solicit our customers for testimonials.



These results are not typical and your experience will vary based upon your effort, education, business model, and market forces beyond our control. We make no earnings claims or return on investment claims, and you may not make your money back.

2. Honest + Clear Advertising

EXPLANATION: If you are using the word FREE you must clearly state what the pre-requisites are for the free gift or bonus.


I'll give you this cool thing ABSOLUTELY free!!!


I'll give you this cool thing ABSOLUTELY free when you sign up for X at $97/m.

3. Claims + Substantiation

EXPLANATION: Any claims must be substantiated (in other words, it must true and backed by evidence), as well as a disclaimer that just because you did it, doesn't automatically mean they will.


How you can earn $4000 a month passively without having a product of your own.


How I earn $4000 a month in passive income through the Elite Partner Program, even without my own product.*

*Your results will vary based on your effort, education, and market factors beyond our control.

4. Affiliate Funnels + Links

EXPLANATION: Many social platforms don't allow this anyway, but even if they do, as an affiliate, it's your job to bridge the gap and introduce your prospects to YOU and your business first, before buying Elite360. You also must disclose that you are an affiliate.


Driving traffic straight to an affiliate link


Driving traffic to your own affiliate funnel

5. Trademarked Terms + Advertising

EXPLANATION: If an average internet visitor can't tell between your funnel and an Elite360 official one, then it needs to be changed. That means it must be stated that you are an affiliate, and not use third party trademarks (ours and others). Bidding on our trademarked terms will be immediate grounds for removal from the Elite Partner program.


Pretending to be Elite360 official by bidding on trademarked terms or designing funnels that exactly replicate ours.


Create a bridge funnel that's yours, and once they understand who you are and what you do, send them to Elite360.

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